Dental Zirconia blank

zirconia blocks

honchon smile provides a variety of high-quality dental zirconia blocks including white zirconia blocks, color blocks, multi-layer blocks, good service, ordinary products are shipped the next day, customized products are shipped in 5-7 days, contact us

what is zirconia blocks?

Zirconia blocks are a type of ceramic material used in dentistry to construct crowns, bridges and dental implants. It is known for its strength and esthetic qualities, which make it a popular choice for dental restorations.

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Features of zirconia blocks:

High Strength: Zirconia blocks are known for their superior strength and durability, making them ideal for long-lasting dental restorations.
Excellent Translucency: These blocks offer excellent translucency, mimicking the natural appearance of teeth, making them aesthetically pleasing.
Stability: They provide excellent edge stability and green body breaking strength during processing, ensuring the final product's integrity.
Fine Grain Structure: The fine grain structure of zirconia blocks ensures excellent technical properties and a smooth finish.
Balanced Composition: Zirconia blocks have a balanced composition that allows them to withstand high pressure and temperature.
Versatility: They can be used for a variety of dental restorations, including crowns, bridges, and implants.
Biocompatibility: Zirconia is a biocompatible material, meaning it is safe to use in the body without causing adverse reactions.
Ease of Use: Zirconia blocks are easy to work with, allowing for efficient processing and fabrication of dental restorations.

Zirconia Blocks Advantages

Exceptional Strength and Durability:
Zirconia blocks are renowned for their high fracture toughness and wear resistance, making them ideal for durable dental restorations.

High Aesthetic Quality:
With excellent translucency and natural color matching, zirconia blocks provide restorations that are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.
Zirconia is a biocompatible material, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and ensuring safety for patients.
High Stability:
These blocks maintain their structural integrity under various conditions, offering stability during the milling and sintering processes.
Precision and Accuracy:
Advanced manufacturing techniques ensure that zirconia blocks can be milled to extremely precise dimensions, providing a perfect fit for dental restorations.
Zirconia blocks are suitable for a wide range of dental applications, including crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and implants.

Ease of Processing:
The material properties of zirconia make it easy to mill, reducing production time and costs, and enabling efficient workflow in dental laboratories.

Resistance to Wear and Corrosion:
Zirconia blocks exhibit high resistance to wear and chemical corrosion, extending the lifespan of dental restorations.

Temperature Resistance:
They can withstand high temperatures during the sintering process without degrading, ensuring consistent quality.

Long-Term Performance:
Zirconia restorations offer long-term performance and reliability, reducing the need for frequent replacements and ensuring patient satisfaction.

Types of zirconia blocks
Multilayer Zirconia Blocks, White Zirconia Blocks, Colored Zirconia Blocks

Definition, Difference and Application of the Three.

1. Multilayer Zirconia Blocks:

4D pro multilayer zirconia block    
4D pro multilayer zirconia block 
Color: vita 16 colors + BL1/BL2/BL3/BL4
One-piece block
Sintered density………6.0g/cm³
Flexural strength…750MPA to 1200MPA
Light transmittance……43% to 57%
Sintering temperature……1500℃

4D plus multilayer zirconia block
4D plus multilayer zirconia block 
Color:vita    16    color+BL1/BL2/BL3/BL4
Aesthetic:Ultra      translucent
Sintered Density………………6.0g/cm³
Bending Strength………………700MPA to 1200MPA
Light transmittance ………………43%to 55%
Sintering Temperature………………1500℃

3D plus multilayer zirconia block 
3D plus multilayer zirconia block 
Color: vita 16 colors + BL1/BL2/BL3/BL4
·Aesthetics: Super transparent
·Sintering density………………6.0g/cm³
·Bending strength………………700MPA to 1050MPA
·Light transmittance………………45% to 57%
·Sintering temperature………………1500℃

SHT multilayer zirconia block 
SHT multilayer zirconia block 
·Color:vita   16   color+BL1/BL2/BL3/BL4
·Aesthetic:Ultra      translucent
·Sintered   Density … … …     ……6.0g/cm³
·Bending Strength………………1000MPA
·Light transmittance ………………46%
·Sintering Temperature………………1500℃

UT multilayer zirconia block 
UT multilayer zirconia block 
Color:vita    16    color+BL1/BL2/BL3/BL4
·Aesthetic:Ultra      translucent
·Sintered Density………………6.0g/cm³
·Bending Strength………………700MPA
· Light transmittance ………………49%
·Sintering Temperature………………1500℃

ST multilayer zirconia block 
ST multilayer zirconia block 
Color:vita    16   color+BL1/BL2/BL3/BL4
·Aesthetic:Ultra      translucent
·Sintered Density………………6.0g/cm³
·Bending   Strength … …     ……1100MPA
·Light  transmittance………………43%
·Sintering Temperature………………1530℃

Multilayer Zirconia Blocks are a type of Zirconia block designed with layers of different colors and transparencies that mimic the natural gradient of teeth from more transparent enamel to darker dentin. This can make restorations more aesthetically pleasing and natural. The gradient of transparency and color is achieved during the manufacturing process, where different layers of Zirconia powder, each with a different hue or transparency level, are pressed together and then sintered. They are often used for anterior tooth restorations where aesthetics are very important.

2. White Zirconia Blocks:
HT plus white zirconia block 
HT plus white zirconia block 

·Aesthetic:high  translucent  Plus
Sintered Density………………6.0g/cm³
·Bending Strength……………1350MPA
·Light transmittance………………40%
·Sintering Temperature………………1530℃

ST plus white zirconia block 
ST plus white zirconia block 

·Aesthetic:high  translucent  Plus
Sintered Density………………6.0g/cm³
·Bending Strength……………1350MPA
·Light transmittance………………40%
·Sintering Temperature………………1530℃



             SHT white zirconia block 
·Aesthetic:Super     high     translucent
·Sintered    Density … … …      …6.0g/cm³
·Bending    Strength … … …     …1000MPA
· Light  transmittance………………46%
·Sintering       Temperature……………1450℃

UT white zirconia block 
UT white zirconia block 

·Aesthetic:Ultra        translucent
·Sintered    Density………………6.0g/cm³
Bending    Strength……………700MPA
·Light    transmittance………………49%
·Sintering     Temperature … …    ………1450℃

White Zirconia Blocks, also called monolithic or colorless Zirconia Blocks, are made of uniformly colored, high purity white Zirconia. These blocks have excellent strength and durability, but lack the natural look of multilayer or colored Zirconia. However, they can be colored using a coloring fluid after grinding but before final sintering. These blocks are often used when strength is the primary consideration, such as posterior crowns or bridges.

3. Colored Zirconia Blocks:

HT  PLUS Colored Zirconia Blocks
 Color:vita    16    color+BL1/BL2/BL3
· Aesthetic:high      translucent
·Sintered        Density……………6.0g/cm³
·Bending       Strength……………1350MPA
·Light         transmittance……………40%
·Sintering     Temperature………………1530℃

STPC Colored Zirconia Blocks

STPC Colored Zirconia Blocks
Color:vita     16    color+BL1/BL2/BL3
·Aesthetic:Super       translucent
·Sintered       Density……………6.0g/cm³
Bending Strength………………1100MPA
·Light    transmittance………………43%
·Sintering   Temperature………………1530℃

SHTC Colored Zirconia Blocks
·Color:vita   16   color+BL1/BL2/BL3
·Aesthetic:Super      translucent
·Sintered    Density……………6.0g/cm³
·Bending        Strength…………1000MPA
·Light     transmittance……………46%
.Sintering Temperature………………1530℃

Colored zirconia blocks are similar to white zirconia blocks, but they are pre-colored during the manufacturing process to match the various shades of natural teeth. They offer a good balance of aesthetics and strength, although they may not achieve the same level of aesthetic gradation as multi-layered zirconia. These blocks are useful when a restoration requires a specific tooth shade, and the color is uniform throughout the block.

In terms of application, all three types of zirconia blocks can be used for a wide range of restorations, including crowns, bridges, veneers, and implant abutments. The choice between them often depends on the specific needs of the patient, the location of the restoration within the mouth, and the dentist and patient preferences for aesthetics and strength.



Applications of Zirconia Blocks

Dental Crowns and Bridges:

Zirconia blocks are commonly used to fabricate dental crowns and bridges due to their high strength and aesthetic properties. These restorations can replace missing teeth and restore the function and appearance of a patient's smile.
Implant Abutments:

Zirconia blocks are utilized to create custom implant abutments, providing a strong and biocompatible connection between the dental implant and the crown or bridge.
Inlays and Onlays:

Used for partial tooth restorations, zirconia inlays and onlays offer a durable and natural-looking alternative to traditional fillings. They are ideal for repairing decayed or damaged teeth.

Due to their high translucency and aesthetic qualities, zirconia blocks are excellent for manufacturing dental veneers. Veneers made from zirconia provide a natural appearance and are durable enough to withstand daily use.
Full Mouth Reconstructions:

For patients requiring extensive dental work, zirconia blocks can be used to create a full set of crowns, bridges, and veneers, providing a complete smile makeover with long-lasting results.
Orthodontic Brackets:

Zirconia is also used to produce orthodontic brackets, offering a more aesthetically pleasing option compared to traditional metal brackets.
Custom Attachments and Components:

Various custom dental attachments and components, such as precision attachments and clasps, can be fabricated from zirconia blocks, ensuring strength and biocompatibility.
Endodontic Posts:

Zirconia posts are used in endodontics to reinforce and stabilize endodontically treated teeth, providing a strong foundation for restorations.
Removable Prostheses Framework:

The frameworks for removable partial dentures can be crafted from zirconia, offering a durable and biocompatible base for these appliances.
Single-Visit Dentistry (CAD/CAM Systems):

Zirconia blocks are extensively used in CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) systems for same-day dental restorations. These systems allow for the efficient and precise milling of zirconia restorations in a single visit.

Material Properties of Zirconia Blocks


Zirconia blocks are primarily composed of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), often stabilized with yttria (Y2O3). The yttria stabilizes the zirconia in its tetragonal phase, enhancing its mechanical properties.
Mechanical Strength:

Zirconia blocks are renowned for their high mechanical strength and toughness. This makes them highly resistant to fractures and wear, suitable for demanding dental applications.

Zirconia block production process

​​​​Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) Process

The CIP process involves placing zirconium oxide powder into a flexible mold and exposing it to a liquid environment. By applying high pressure to the mold, the powder is uniformly compressed from multiple directions to form a dense mass. The high density and uniform structure produced by this compression method provides the required strength and durability for dental crowns. Once compression is complete, the resulting block is sintered at high temperatures to achieve its final physical properties.

The main advantage of the CIP process is its ability to produce dense, uniform and strong zirconium oxide blocks, which are essential for durable dental restorations.

Pre-sintering process

1. Material preparation

Powder mixing: The pre-sintering process starts with the preparation of high-purity zirconium oxide powder, which is usually doped with a certain proportion of stabilizer (such as 3mol% or 5mol% yttria) to ensure the stability and performance of zirconium oxide.
Pelletizing: The zirconium oxide powder is mixed with a binder and made into uniform, easy-to-handle particles for pressing into blocks.

2. Pressing

Isostatic pressing: The zirconium oxide particles are placed in a mold and pressed uniformly under high pressure by isostatic pressing to form a dense block green body. This step ensures that the density of the zirconium oxide block is uniform and reduces deformation and shrinkage during sintering.

3. Pre-sintering

Low-temperature sintering: Pre-sintering is a heat treatment process performed at a lower temperature than the final sintering temperature. The pre-sintering temperature is usually between 900°C and 1100°C and lasts for several hours.
Removing the binder: During the pre-sintering process, the binder will decompose and be removed, leaving a pure zirconium oxide skeleton.
Preliminary densification: Pre-sintering can partially densify the zirconia block, providing sufficient strength for subsequent processing, but retaining a certain degree of machinability.

4. Machining

CNC machining: The pre-sintered zirconia block has a moderate hardness, which is convenient for fine carving and machining by computer numerical control (CNC) machine tools to form the desired dental restoration shape.

5. Final sintering

High temperature sintering: The processed zirconia restoration will undergo final sintering. The sintering temperature is usually between 1350°C and 1550°C, and the sintering time is usually several hours to achieve full densification and optimized mechanical properties.
Phase transformation stability: During the high-temperature sintering process, yttrium oxide acts as a stabilizer to ensure that zirconia maintains a tetragonal phase structure at high temperatures, thereby improving the toughness and strength of the material.

Advantages of the pre-sintering process

Dimensional stability
The pre-sintering process helps control the shrinkage of the zirconia block during the final sintering process, ensuring that the final product has accurate and predictable dimensions.

The pre-sintered zirconia blocks have moderate hardness, which facilitates fine machining, reduces tool wear and improves machining accuracy.

Performance Optimization
Pre-sintering can remove volatile components and binders in the material, reduce porosity in the final product, and improve the strength and toughness of the material.

The pre-sintering process helps ensure the performance consistency of each batch of zirconia blocks, thereby providing reliable final product quality.

These steps and advantages summarize the key role of the pre-sintering process in producing high-quality zirconia blocks, especially in dental applications.


How To Cooperate With Us?

Standard Products:

Provide a quote for the standard products, detailing the prices, specifications, and any bulk discounts if applicable.

Upon agreement on the quotation, the client makes the payment according to the agreed terms (e.g., upfront payment, payment upon delivery).

Once payment is confirmed, arrange for the shipment of the goods. Provide tracking information and ensure that the products are delivered within the agreed timeline.
Customized Products:
Product Specifications:

The client provides product drawings or detailed specifications of the customized product they require.
Custom Sample Creation:

Based on the provided specifications or drawings, create a prototype or sample of the customized product.
Sample Approval:

Send the sample to the client for their review and approval. Make any necessary adjustments based on their feedback to ensure the final product meets their expectations.
Mass Production:

Once the sample is approved, proceed with mass production of the customized product.

After production, arrange for the shipment of the final products. 


Advantages of Our Factory


High Quality Products:

We provide top-notch dental materials, ensuring excellent performance and durability.

Advanced Equipment:

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Professional Team:

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Custom Service / Accept ODM/OEM Service:

We offer tailored solutions and accept Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) and Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM) services to meet your specific requirements.

One-stop Solution:

We provide comprehensive services from design to delivery, making us a one-stop solution for all dental material needs.

Competitive Price:

Our pricing is highly competitive, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Long Warranty:

We offer extended warranties to ensure peace of mind and long-term satisfaction with our products.

24H Online Service:

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Rich Experience:

With extensive industry experience, we bring deep knowledge and assistance to every project.

Global Shipping:

We provide reliable global shipping, ensuring your products arrive safely and on time.

Quality Control:
We implement rigorous quality control measures to maintain the highest standards in our products.



1. What are zirconia blocks used for in dentistry?
Answer: Zirconia blocks are primarily used to create dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, and implants. They are favored for their high strength, durability, and excellent aesthetic qualities, closely resembling the appearance of natural teeth.

2. Why choose zirconia over other dental materials?
Answer: Zirconia is chosen for its superior mechanical properties, including high fracture toughness and resistance to wear. It is also biocompatible, meaning it does not cause adverse reactions when in contact with human tissues. Additionally, zirconia can be color-matched to the surrounding teeth, providing a natural look.

3. How are zirconia blocks processed into dental restorations?
Answer: Zirconia blocks are milled into the desired shape using a dental CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) system. The milled restoration is then sintered in a high-temperature furnace to achieve its final strength and translucency.

4. Can zirconia restorations be adjusted or repaired?
Answer: Yes, zirconia restorations can be adjusted, although it requires specific tools such as diamond burs designed for cutting zirconia. Repairs can be more challenging than with other materials and may sometimes necessitate remaking the restoration, depending on the extent of the damage.

5. How long do zirconia dental restorations last?
Answer: Zirconia restorations are known for their durability and can last for many years. However, the longevity of any dental restoration depends on factors such as the patient’s oral hygiene, habits, and the accuracy of the fit and installation.

6. Are there different types of zirconia blocks?
Answer: Yes, there are several types of zirconia blocks, including high-translucency blocks for anterior restorations and more opaque blocks for posterior restorations. The choice depends on the required aesthetic and mechanical demands of the specific case.

7. How should zirconia blocks be stored?
Answer: Zirconia blocks should be stored in a dry, cool environment away from direct sunlight. Proper storage ensures that the blocks do not absorb moisture, which could affect their milling properties and final quality.

8. Is there a risk of allergic reactions with zirconia?
Answer: Zirconia is highly biocompatible and the risk of allergic reactions is very low, making it suitable for patients who have allergies to metals used in other types of dental restorations.

9. How do you ensure a good fit with zirconia restorations?
Answer: Ensuring a good fit involves precise digital scanning of the patient’s dental anatomy, accurate milling in the CAD/CAM process, and careful adjustment and polishing by the dental technician or dentist before final placement.

10. Can zirconia be used for full mouth reconstruction?
Answer: Yes, zirconia is strong and aesthetic enough to be used for full mouth reconstructions, including both anterior and posterior restorations.

11. How does the color of zirconia blocks compare to natural teeth?
Answer: Zirconia blocks are available in a variety of shades to closely match natural tooth color. High-translucency zirconia options offer a more natural look, making them ideal for front teeth restorations.

12. What are the limitations of using zirconia in dental restorations?
Answer: While zirconia is highly durable and aesthetic, it is also relatively hard and stiff, which can lead to wear on the opposing natural teeth if not properly polished. Additionally, due to its strength, adjustments and repairs can be more challenging compared to other materials.

13. How is zirconia maintained after it is placed in the mouth?
Answer: Zirconia restorations require the same regular care as natural teeth, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups. Avoiding hard foods and not using teeth as tools can also help extend the life of zirconia restorations.

14. Can zirconia be used for patients with bruxism?
Answer: Yes, zirconia is an excellent choice for patients with bruxism (teeth grinding) due to its strong and wear-resistant nature. However, it is important to address the underlying causes of bruxism to prevent excessive forces on the restoration.

15. How does the cost of zirconia compare to other dental materials?
Answer: Zirconia is generally more expensive than other dental materials like composite resin or some types of dental ceramics. However, its durability and aesthetic qualities can make it a cost-effective choice in the long run.

16. Are there any special techniques used in the sintering process of zirconia?
Answer: Yes, the sintering process for zirconia requires specific temperatures and timing to achieve optimal strength and translucency. Each type of zirconia may have a different recommended sintering curve, which must be carefully followed.

17. How does zirconia interact with dental adhesives and cements?
Answer: Zirconia requires specific types of cement that can bond effectively to its surface. Phosphate monomer-containing cements and certain types of self-adhesive cements are commonly used. Surface treatment of zirconia with air abrasion or specific primers is also recommended to enhance bonding.

18. What should be done if a zirconia restoration cracks or chips?
Answer: If a zirconia restoration chips or cracks, it is usually necessary to replace the restoration. However, minor chips can sometimes be repaired in the mouth using composite resin, although this is not always recommended or durable in the long term.

19. Can zirconia be used in combination with other dental materials?
Answer: Yes, zirconia can be combined with other materials. For example, it is often used with metal frameworks in larger bridges, or layered with porcelain to enhance aesthetic qualities in visible areas.

20. What advancements are being made in zirconia technology?
Answer: Recent advancements in zirconia technology include the development of even more translucent zirconia suitable for front teeth and improvements in the material's strength and milling properties. Research continues into making zirconia even more adaptable and easier to work with for dental professionals.


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Honchon Smile Technology Co.,Ltd is one of the leading company in dental material as zirconia block, milling tools, PMMA, Wax for all CADCAM milling system.
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