
How to choose the right zirconia block?

Zirconia blocks are commonly used in dental laboratories to create dental restorations such as crowns and bridges. However, with so many zirconia blocks available, determining which one is best for your needs can be challenging. In this blog post, we will discuss what you should consider when choosing the right zirconia block.
1. Strength and Flexibility
The strength and flexibility of the zirconia block are two important factors to consider. Zirconia blocks are usually classified as high translucency, medium translucence or high strength. High transmittance is the most fragile, but it can bring superior aesthetics. Medium translucency is considered the most versatile, and high strength is the strongest but appears opaque.
2. Compatibility
The compatibility of zirconia blocks with any CAD/CAM system is very important. It is important to choose a block that is compatible with your milling machine to ensure a smooth and accurate manufacturing process.
3. Color
Another factor to consider is the natural color of the patient’s teeth. Zirconia blocks come in a variety of colors, and it is important to choose a material that closely matches the surrounding teeth so that the restoration blends seamlessly with the rest of the mouth.
4. Marginal fitting
Marginal fit of the restoration is critical to ensuring dental hygiene and the long-term success of the restoration. When choosing a zirconia block, choose one with excellent marginal fit to ensure the restoration remains tight and does not allow bacterial penetration.
5. Reputation
It is crucial to choose zirconia blocks from a reputable manufacturer. Choose a manufacturer with a lot of positive reviews and a history of producing high-quality products. The reputation of a manufacturer indicates the overall quality of the module and the reliability of its products.
In summary, there are many factors to consider when choosing the right zirconia block for your dental restoration needs. This includes strength and flexibility, compatibility, color, edge fit, and the reputation of the manufacturer. Take the time to evaluate each factor and choose a zirconia block that meets your dental needs. By doing this, you ensure the success and longevity of your restoration.
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Honchon Smile Technology Co.,Ltd is one of the leading company in dental material as zirconia block, milling tools, PMMA, Wax for all CADCAM milling system.
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