
How to choose dental zirconia block?

How to choose zirconia block?
First of all, we need to make it clear that zirconium oxide blocks are divided into high-strength zirconium blocks, low-strength zirconium blocks, high-transparency zirconium blocks, and low-transparency zirconium blocks. Therefore, zirconium oxide is not a "one size fits all" solution; therefore, when choosing what zirconium block, you need to be clear about your expected price, what level of transparency you expect, and what your compressive strength is.
Next we discuss respectively:
Price: The most expensive single block on the market is multi-layer zirconia, because these zirconium blocks can organically combine high transparency and high strength at the same time. This zirconium block can be used to make front and back teeth. , dental implants have the strongest functionality and aesthetics, the shortest production time, and the shortest customer waiting time. Some fast dental laboratories can even produce finished products on the same day, and customers can wear them on the same day, so the price is naturally more expensive. .

The most cost-effective is pre-colored zirconia, because colored powder has been added to this type of zirconium block during production, so there is no need to make and dye it, saving time.

The cheapest is white zirconia block. This zirconium block is pure white and needs to be stained with dye when making teeth. The production cycle is the longest.

Strength and permeability:
If you want to make back molars and have high strength requirements, you can choose high-strength zirconia. If you want to make incisors and have high transparency requirements, you can choose high-transparency zirconium blocks.

Operating system:
If your CAD CAM is open system, it is recommended to choose the 98mm diameter model. If the operating system is Amann Girrbach system, choose diameter 92*75mm. If the operating system is Zirkonzahn system, select diameter 95mm.
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Honchon Smile Technology Co.,Ltd is one of the leading company in dental material as zirconia block, milling tools, PMMA, Wax for all CADCAM milling system.
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