Company News

2024 Lab Day Chicago, USA

Changsha honchon Technology Co., Ltd. went to the Lab Day exhibition in Chicago, USA, to introduce the company's high-quality zirconia and milling needle products to customers. The show was a great success and our representatives received a warm welcome from customers eager to know more about our products.

Our representatives showcased our company's advanced technology and expertise, emphasizing our commitment to providing our customers with quality materials and products. Our zirconia products in particular stand out and are highly praised for their durability and lifelike beauty.

The exhibition is also an opportunity for our representatives to network with industry peers  into the latest developments in the dental industry. They bring with them valuable knowledge and experience that will help us continue to innovate and improve our products, ensuring we remain at the forefront of the industry.

Changsha honchon Technology Co., Ltd. has always been committed to providing customers with high-quality products and services, and thanks our customers for their continued support. We look forward to building a stronger relationship with them in the future.
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Honchon Smile Technology Co.,Ltd is one of the leading company in dental material as zirconia block, milling tools, PMMA, Wax for all CADCAM milling system.
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